How to add recent post news ticker widget in Blogger using jQuery and CSS

Today I am going to teach you a very useful thing For blogger. It can used in blogger for displaying your Latest posts. And it is made with pure CSS and Jquery. to add this to yourblogger follow the steps given below

How to add this blogger

If you do not have jQuery in your template then add the following line after <head>
<script src='//'></script> 
  • Go to Blogger > Template > Edit HTML
  • Find </head>
  • paste the following code just above it.
<script type='text/javascript'>        //<![CDATA[(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { var name = "easyTicker", defaults = { direction: 'up', easing: 'swing', speed: 'slow', interval: 2000, height: 'auto', visible: 0, mousePause: 1, controls: { up: '', down: '', toggle: '', playText: 'Play', stopText: 'Stop' } }; function EasyTicker( el, options ) { var s = this; s.opts = $.extend( {}, defaults, options ); s.elem = $(el); s.targ = $(el).children(':first-child'); s.timer = 0; s.mHover = 0; s.winFocus = 1; init(); start(); $([window, document]).off('focus.jqet').on('focus.jqet', function(){ s.winFocus = 1; }).off('blur.jqet').on('blur.jqet', function(){ s.winFocus = 0; }); if( s.opts.mousePause == 1 ){ s.elem.mouseenter(function(){ s.timerTemp = s.timer; stop(); }).mouseleave(function(){ if( s.timerTemp !== 0 ) start(); }); } $(s.opts.controls.up).on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); moveDir('up'); }); $(s.opts.controls.down).on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); moveDir('down'); }); $(s.opts.controls.toggle).on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if( s.timer == 0 ) start(); else stop(); }); function init(){ s.elem.children().css('margin', 0).children().css('margin', 0); s.elem.css({ position : 'relative', height: s.opts.height, overflow : 'hidden' }); s.targ.css({ 'position' : 'absolute', 'margin' : 0 }); setInterval( function(){ adjHeight(); }, 100); } function start(){ s.timer = setInterval(function(){ if( s.winFocus == 1 ){ move( s.opts.direction ); } }, s.opts.interval); $(s.opts.controls.toggle).addClass('et-run').html(s.opts.controls.stopText); } function stop(){ clearInterval( s.timer ); s.timer = 0; $(s.opts.controls.toggle).removeClass('et-run').html(s.opts.controls.playText); } function move( dir ){ var sel, eq, appType; if( !':visible') ) return; if( dir == 'up' ){ sel = ':first-child'; eq = '-='; appType = 'appendTo'; }else{ sel = ':last-child'; eq = '+='; appType = 'prependTo'; } var selChild = s.targ.children(sel); var height = selChild.outerHeight(); s.targ.stop(true, true).animate({ 'top': eq + height + "px" }, s.opts.speed, s.opts.easing, function(){ selChild.hide()[appType]( s.targ ).fadeIn(); s.targ.css('top', 0); adjHeight(); }); } function moveDir( dir ){ stop(); if( dir == 'up' ) move('up'); else move('down'); } function fullHeight(){ var height = 0; var tempDisp = s.elem.css('display'); s.elem.css('display', 'block'); s.targ.children().each(function(){ height += $(this).outerHeight(); }); s.elem.css({ 'display' : tempDisp, 'height' : height }); } function visHeight( anim ){ var wrapHeight = 0; s.targ.children(':lt(' + s.opts.visible + ')').each(function(){ wrapHeight += $(this).outerHeight(); }); if( anim == 1 ){ s.elem.stop(true, true).animate({height: wrapHeight}, s.opts.speed); }else{ s.elem.css( 'height', wrapHeight); } } function adjHeight(){ if( s.opts.height == 'auto' && s.opts.visible != 0 ){ anim = == 'init' ? 0 : 1; visHeight( anim ); }else if( s.opts.height == 'auto' ){ fullHeight(); } } return { up: function(){ moveDir('up'); }, down: function(){ moveDir('down'); }, start: start, stop: stop, options: s.opts }; } $.fn[name] = function ( options ) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, name)) { $.data(this, name, new EasyTicker( this, options )); } }); }; })( jQuery, window, document ); $(function(){$('.news-ticker') .each(function() { var domainname=$(this).attr('data-domain'); var url ='http://www.'+domainname+'/feeds/posts/summary/?max-results=5&alt=json-in-script'; var thisc = $(this); thisc.append('<div class="tickerwrapper"><span class="tickhead">Latest News</span><div class="ticker2"><ul></ul></div></div><center>Widget by <a href="" target="_blank">Blogger Unlocker</a></center>'); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: url, async: false, contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(json) { for (var i = 1; i < json.feed.entry.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < json.feed.entry[i].link.length; j++) { if (json.feed.entry[i].link[j].rel == 'alternate') { var postUrl = json.feed.entry[i].link[j].href; break; } } var postTitle = json.feed.entry[i].title.$t; var item = '<li><a href="'+postUrl+'">'+postTitle+'</a></li>'; $('.ticker2 ul',thisc).append(item); } $('.ticker2').easyTicker({ direction: 'up', easing: 'swing', speed: 'slow', interval: 2000, height: 'auto', visible: 0, mousePause: 1, }); } });}); });//]]></script>

  • Now find for //]]></b:skin> and paste the following code just before it.

.tickerwrapper{ position:relative; } .tickhead{ background:#dd4c39 url( no-repeat; background-position:125px 10px; background-size:20px; position:absolute; line-height:40px !important; height:40px; width:130px; padding:0 15px 0 5px; text-align:center; color:#fff; font:400 15px 'pt sans',sans-serif; text-transform:uppercase; z-index:1; top:0; left:0; } .ticker2{ padding-left:155px; height:40px !important; overflow:hidden; background:#333; line-height:40px !important; } .ticker2 ul{ padding:0; margin:0; list-style:none; } .ticker2 ul li a{ color:#fff; font:400 15px 'pt sans',sans-serif; text-decoration:none; }
  • Now save your template and go to layout > Add Widget > HTML/javascript and paste the following code in it
<div class='news-ticker' data-domain=''>

  • Replace the with your blog domain. If anything is not clear just hit me in comments.
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Pinky Sownia
22 April 2020 at 17:17 delete

I've try this but don't work. Do you have a demo for this?
